
Wednesday 31 March 2021

Gummy Bears

Osmosis: The movement of liquids or gases through to semi-permeable membrane.

Diffusion: The movement of any substance from a higher concentration to a lower concentration.

Conclusion: The dry gummy bear lost weight and was lighter after 6 days. 

The gummy bear in Normal water lost 1.82 gm in 6 days.

The gummy bear in sugar lost 0.7 gm in 6 days.

Tuesday 30 March 2021

My Letter To Greta Thunberg

 Hey readers

Today we had to make a formal letter to Greta Thunberg. In the letter we had to write why she was a earth day hero. On the letter first we do a greeting and then we introduce our self and then at the end of the letter we had to write our signature. Also we had to write what she has done to the world to make a better place.

Here is my work

Click here to read a article about Greta

Click here to see who is Greta 

I hoped you liked my work please comment and have a wonderful day.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Terminology Splat Page

 Kia ora readers 

Today we had to make a Terminology Splat page. We had these 8 words that we had to write the meaning of it and a picture that matches the word. We made it on a google drawing and did random splat shapes and write the meaning, then beside it we put the picture.

Here is my work

I hoped you liked my work please comment and have a awesome day

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Jacinda Ardern

 Kia ora readers

Today we are reading a article about Jacinda Arden. We have to write a paragraph explaining why is Jacinda Arden a heroic leader. We are learning about heroes and politicians. 

Jacinda Ardern is a heroic because she gives like free stuff to people like they really need. Some things like food, clothes, and other really important stuff. Jacinda gave lots of free lunches to lots of schools. Jacinda lost 13,000 votes and then in 2011 she lost 717 votes in 2014. In Auckland she lost again but this time she lost by 600 votes in 2017, but then she finally became Prime minister. She is still a heroic even when she has helped us with everything.

Monday 22 March 2021

3D Blocks

 Kia ora readers

Today for maths we had to make 3D shapes with these blocks. We had to make the exact same shapes from our Hurumanu slide. After we made the shapes, we had to take a photo from our Chromebook and then post the photo on our blog. We also had to explain what was easier like was it easier to draw the shapes or was it easier using the blocks.

Here is the photo 

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a great day.

100 Word Challenge

 Kia ora readers

Today I have done another 100 word challenge. This time it was St Patrick's day. We had to write about a little baby sleeping on a huge brick. We had to kinda write a story about the baby. Like why it was sleeping or why was it tired.

Here is my work

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Saturday 20 March 2021



Chromatography is a technique for the separation of a mixture by passing it in a solution or suspension though a medium in which the components move at different rates.

Aim: To separate the colours from the skittles by using Chromatography.


1. skittles 

2.petri dish 

3. water.


1, place skittle around the edge of the petri dish.

2. carefully put water into the middle of the dish.

3. watch to see which colours reach the middle first.

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Debby Ryan Research

 Kia ora readers.

Today I have done this research about Debby Ryan. For woman's day we had to make a DLO about a famous model. I choose Debby Ryan. We had to write some facts about her and why do we like her or got inspired by her. 

Here is my work

I hoped you liked my work please comment and have a wonderful day.


Tuesday 16 March 2021


 Morena readers 

Today I am kinda doing the same blog called the longest walk. I have to write  interesting fact, a something that I learned and what is my opinion about the story again. A interesting facts is that the New Zealand government passed the tohunga suppression act. This made it illegal to go to rongoa. I learned that when the Maori was unwell, There was a healer know which plants and herbs cured illness,  My opinion about the story that I have learned a lot of things about Maori and also lots of interesting facts. 

I hoped you like my blog please comment and have a awesome day.

Friday 12 March 2021

Sports Hero

 kia ora readers

Today we made a letter to our sports hero. We had to choose a sport hero and I choose Benathy Hamilton. Bethany Hamilton is a famous American surfer who got there left arm bitten by a shark. Ever since then she still continues to surf.  

Here is my work.

I hoped you liked my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Tuesday 9 March 2021

What children do in Japan

 Kia ora readers,

For children's day we had this slide and we get to choose a country. We had to pick a country to research about like what their chores are, what their houses look like, what kind of food they eat and how many schools are there. I have lots diffident things compared to them. Like my chores, the kind of foods I like, what our houses look like and also what our schools look like. 

Here is my work.

I hoped you liked my work please comment and have a good day.

The Longest Walk

 Morena readers

Today we read a book called the longest walk. This story is about about a family in Cape Reinga going all the way to Bluff. They calculated lots of important things like how many kilometres there are left or how many steps. They went mountains to see how far they were from bluff. The family needed to know how many kilometres are left to walk. It is important to figure out the distance so you don't really get a bit lost. From cape reinga to bluff they would go to Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North, Dunedin and Queentown.

I hoped you liked my work please comment and have a great day.


Monday 8 March 2021

Reading Bingo

 Hey readers,

Today we read this story called The Three Legends. We had to make a bingo with this choice board. We had to choose three different things. The things I choose to write a interesting fact, what I learned and last one what was my opinion about the story. 

Here is my work   

I hoped you liked my work please comment and have a great day. 

Friday 5 March 2021

Another 100 Word Challenge

 Kia ora readers

Today I have done another 100 word challenge. This picture was a big white polar bear in a huge bubble floating somewhere. it's kinda like a story but it's mostly about what the bear was feeling, what it saw and what the bear is wondering.  

Here is my work

There was a big fluffy white polar bear in a huge bubble floating in the air.

First the bear was a little scared and confused how it was floating, but then the bear saw that it was inside on a big bubble.

The bear was wondering where it was gonna take him.

Was it gonna take him to a rare island he wondered, or just stay in the bubble floating somewhere he doesn't know where it is.

He kept thinking and thinking where he was going but he still doesn’t know. The bear loved the view. He could see colours everywhere.

He wanted to stay in the bubble forever. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day

Weekly Reflection

Weekly Reflection

This week I am proud of winning three times in volleyball and tieke came 2nd place. 

I struggled this week when I was doing my maths assessments.  

Some I enjoyed this week was when we lit our hands of fire in science.

Next week I want to do cool and real experiments in science.   

Read this and feel better – how inspirational guff invaded our lives | Life  and style | The Guardian

Thursday 4 March 2021

Lab safety

 Hello readers

Today i have done a poster about lab safety. We made it on a google drawing. We had to write 6 things about it. 

Here is my work. 

I hoped you liked my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Hands on Fire

 Aim: To light my hands safety on fire. 

1. Collect your equipment.

2. Put some water into the tray.

3. Put some detergent into the water.

4. Put on your safety glasses. 

5. Tie back any long hair.

6. Take off any jewellery.

7. Wash water on your arms up to your elbows. 

8. Make bubbles in the water using the gas tap. 

9. Lock your elbows. 

10. Hold your hands together and scoop up the bubbles. 

100 Word Challenge

 kia ora readers 

Today I have done the 100 word challenge. I had to write something about this little mouse in a big mug with a cheese cracker, hiding from a huge cat. I had to write 100 words about the picture of a mouse hiding from the big cat. 

Here is my 100 word challenge

The little mouse hiding from the big cat that’s trying to find the mouse.

The mouse is hiding in a huge mug with it’s tiny cracker with cheese on it.  I

saw the cat trying to find the mouse but can’t find it.

The mouse could feel fear and was really scared. It could feel that

it was slipping from the mug. It tried to stop itself and the mouse did.

The mouse could hear big footsteps coming towards it.

Now the mouse was shaking. It was thinking if it should run away or stay.

The mouse decided to stay in the mug.  

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day