
Friday 28 May 2021


 Kia ora readers

So today we have to write some things about what we have done in this hurumanu, which is Te Ao Whanui. We have to introduce what we were learning and what we were working on this week in Te Ao Whanui. 

So we have to reflect a time you know when you read the instructions carefully and how you know. One of the one was the spring free trampoline and I read the instructions carefully and did the whole thing. I kinda did a little mistake but then I fixed it. I knew the instructions because there is a slide that says everything.

Now we have to reflect a time when you completed a work to your personal best this week. This one was doing these reading questions and I did my personal best and did it really fast.

The last one is now reflect a time when you were a self manager. This time my teacher wasn't in class and I had to do a poster and I was self managing by not doing anything bad and just focused on my work.

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day. 

100 Word Challenge

 Morena readers 

Today we had to write another 100 word challenge. This 100 word challenge was about this girl going in this haunted scary house. We had to kinda make like a whole scary story about it. 

Here is my story

thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

New Zealand music month

Morena readers

Today we had to make a poster of a New Zealander singer and a New Zealand band. The singer I did was Kimbra lee and the band I did was Te vake. Then we what our favourite new Zealand music is and we have to explain why we like this song and what to you feel about this song.

Here is my two posters

So my favourite singer is Six60 and his songs make me feel energetic or just sometimes normal or calm and even bored.
Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day

Tuesday 25 May 2021

A New Life For Old Machines

 Morena readers

Today we have a new story called A New Life For Old Machines. We had to do these questions and answer them and write it onto our blog. There is 5 questions in total and there is like on 2 more things to do but you can only pick one of those questions.

1. What does the Fisher and Paykel do to help the environment, how do they do this: They were recycling, saves resources and smart drive washing machine.

2. What does coal, oil and natural gas do to the environment: Natural gas emits 50 to carbon dioxide natural gas power plant compared with emissions from a typical new coal plant.

3. What does non-renewable mean: It means like a agreement. 

4. The energy of moving things is called: It's called telekinesis.

5. Explain in your own words how a wind turbine works: A wind turbine works like wind turbine is to make electricity.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a great day. 


Friday 21 May 2021


 Morena readers

Today we have to like two paragraphs about what is a String instrument, what are the parts of a ukulele, how do you play a string instrument and also share one thing you have learnt this week like string instruments or ukulele 1980's music and New Zealand music month. 

String instruments, stringed instruments, or hydrophones are musical instruments that produce sound from vibrating strings when a performer plays or sounds the strings in some manner. There are tons of different string instruments from tons of different family's. The four different family's of the string instruments are Brass and Woodwind and Percussion and also the last one Strings. Some of the string instruments are guitar, ukulele, violin, a harp, a cello and also a bass. Now these are the parts of a ukulele. There is fret space, the fret, the body, sound hole, bridge saddle, and also the strings. There is tons more. 

Now this is how you can play a ukulele or a guitar. If you do the stringing with your hands you could some something different. For a ukulele there would be lots of chords just like a guitar like how it has lots of chords. There some easy ones and sometimes it could get harder with the chords when you are doing a song because the chords always changes but the easy song would be play date because the chords are kinda easy. Now I have to share one thing that I have learnt this week. I have learnt how to play a song from a ukulele which is play date.

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day.

Thursday 20 May 2021


 kia ora readers 

Today we have to go on the month which is may and all of the dates we had to add all the numbers together and see what the total. We also had to do it with our birthday month when we are done with may.

Here is my work.

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day.


 Kia ora readers 

Today we have to do a matariki blog, and we have to do some facts about matariki. Matariki is Maori new year for all new Zealanders. Matatriki is a star cluster not a constellation. in the Maori language. Matariki is both the name of the Pleiades star cluster and also of the season of its first rising in late June or early July. This is a marker of the beginning of the new year. If the matariki stars were all together its makes a cat eye. There used to be 7 sisters and now there is nine sisters.  Matariki has many different names around the world.

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day.

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Springfree trampoline

 Kia ora readers 

Today we had to make a safety poster about what can we do on a trampoline and what can't we do on a trampoline. There was this story kinda like article and it was springfree trampoline. It was about this professor who made a trampoline and the children were humping so high. 

Here is my work.

thanks for looking at my poster please comment and have a nice day

Omeo story

 kia ora readers

Today we have to write a short paragraph about what omeo is. We also have to list 2 things about how a omeo is way different that a normal wheel chair, and the last one is what is the most liberating things. We also have o write 

Omeo is like a changing life. There is a story called the omeo story and it's about this man who makes a an omeo up close. A omeo up close is like a little car you sit on and you have lots of controllers. on your left there is a joystick and on the right there is a light. There is a footplate for where you put your legs. There is a bear light in the back too. That is what a omeo is.

How a omeo is different than a normal wheelchair. In a wheelchair you have to use your hands to move it. In a omeo you would a have a joystick that would move you around and instead of using your hands.

thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a great day

Fantastic Mr Fox questions

 kia ora readers

Today for Fantastic Mr Fox we have some different questions. These questions are from 7-9 chapters. As always there is 9 questions in total this time.

1. How does Roald Dahl make us dislike the farmer. They didn't like the farmer because they tried to kill the fox.

2. why does he encourage the readers to like the foxes and dislike the farmers. Because the 3 farmers are really mean and rude and don't like the farmer.

3. why does Roald Dahl call the tractors " Murderous brutal looking monsters. because they look really different to others.

4.what is the race and who is competing. Bunce and boogis and bean

5. what happend to the hill? why are the farmer so determined. because the foxes always steal the food.

6. what do you feel about the foxes? how does the author make you feel like this. The author makes me think that the foxes are good and okay and doing nothing bad.

7. the three farmer all swear a " solemn oath" what does that mean  have you ever made a promise to other and has anyone made a promise to you. solemn oath means another word for promise. I have made a promise with my parents and family before.

8. what was Mr fox plans. He planned to go to one of the farms to steal some food for him and his family.

9. are you enjoying this story so far? what has been your favourite part. Yes I liked the story and my favourite when the fox kept tricking the farmers.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Wanted poster of a fox tail

 Kia ora readers

Today on our fast finish task we had three choices that we could do. I chose choice number two. In that choice we had to make a wanted poster of the fox tail because in the book one of the farmers shot Mr fox and the only thing they got was his tail so we had to make a wanted poster of the tail that was left on the ground.

Here is my poster

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day

Tuesday 11 May 2021

A Invention I cannot live without ( 100 word challenge )

 Kia ora readers 

Today we have to write a 100 word challenge about a invention we cannot live without. I chose to do electricy because thats really important to me. 

Here is my work

thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Novel study

 Kia ora readers

Today we have to write some questions and answer some of them with the correct answers. These questions are from the book called Fantastic Mr Fox. We have to write 10 questions about or from the book and we can use our book to help us with the questions to get the correct answers. 

1. What was the 3 farmers names: The three farmers names were Bunce and Boon and Bean

2. Who was in Mr Fox family: There was Mr Fox and Mrs Fox and The small little 4 foxes.

3. What could the fox family have for dinner if they went to bunce's farm: The family could have Duck/goose for dinner if they went to bunce's farm.

4.Why were the three farmer standing outside of the fox hole and why had they chosen that particular spot: Because they found out that Mr Fox has been stealing some of their food.

5. Why did the fox prick his ears: Maybe because he kinda got scared of the shooting.

6. What effect did the shovel hit Mr Fox: I think it hit some where his tail was.

7. Describe the Character of Mr Fox: Mr Fox is really smart at stealing food for his family. 

8. Why was the wind direction important to Mr Fox: So Mr Fox can smell him from miles away if he's coming closer.

9. What do you think will happen next in the story: I think that the fox family might move out and find another farm.

10. What has been your favourite part: My favourite part was when Mr fox was blowing the leaf blower to Bunce and Boon and Bean because it was funny but really smart.

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day.

Monday 10 May 2021

Unlimited Words challenge

Kia ora readers

Today we had a video to watch and it was about this cat was chasing a little tiny pink alien. We had to write a story about the point view of the cat or the point view of the little tiny pink alien. I chose to do the cat and we get to do unlimited words. I did 134 words about the story.

Here is my work

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Friday 7 May 2021

Kiwi Invention

 Morena readers

Today we are making a kiwi invention. We had to research about zorbs. We had to research who invented it, how has the zorbs changed the world, whats the purpose of zorbs, when was the zorbs created, and last one how did they come up with the idea.

Here is a picture.

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day.

Fantastic Mr Fox Alliteration

Kia ora readers

Today we had to do alliteration. We had to read this book called fantastic Mr fox. In the book there are these three guys called Bean and Boggis and Bunce.

first one is:               Second one:          Third one:

Chicken                    Fast                       Soccer 

Cat                            fierce                    swimming 

Cow                          furious                  softball

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 Kia ora readers 

Today we have to write some things about music. We have to write what I music think music is and also what I enjoy listening to and write my favourite song and why and one more thing whats one I have learnt. this week in class.

I think music is really calm or people could have different emotions to it. Some emotions could be like energetic or relaxed or even depressed. It always depends what kind of music you listen to. Sometimes you could be listening to different songs and that gives you different emotions. So I think that music is a special sound that gives everyone different emotions.

Now music I enjoy listening to. I like listening all kind of different songs thats mostly from tiktok or different social media apps. I mostly listen to Japanese/anime songs when I'm sad or other wise I just listen to calm songs when I'm happy. I like to listen to some powerful songs or energetic songs when I'm excited for something, but mostly I just listen to anime songs.

My favourite songs are Poker face, I like to listen to this song slowed. I also like to listen to arcade slowed because it keeps calm and makes me forget the bad things. I also love the song sugercrash slowed because it just makes me really happy inside and really energetic, and sometimes I like to listen to tiktok mashups.

This week we have learnt lots of different things. Like we have learnt different types of notes in music like a quaver or a semiquaver and lots more of the music notes.

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a great day. 

Tuesday 4 May 2021


Kia ora readers 

Today we have to write why electricity is really important.

Electricity is important because some people have to call different people for different reasons. Like the police or the ambulance or their family for some different stuff. Even when it's holidays and you wanna talk to your friend. You could text them or even call them if your bored. Sometimes when you get bored you could listen to music on your Ipad or your phone or your computer. Even sometimes you need a computer to write important emails to your work, and even whenever you shower you need hot water because no one likes a cold shower.

Is Electricity a Type of Energy? - News about Energy Storage, Batteries,  Climate Change and the Environment

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.  

100 Word Challenge

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to do the 100 word challenge. In the 100 word challenge we had to write about these stairs that go up in the sky. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Monday 3 May 2021

Fantastic Mr Fox

Kia ora readers

Today we are reading novels. I'm reading Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. We are writing some thing about our novel.

Here is my work.

 1. I think this story is about a fox stealing food from others and also and he is the best at stealing food or other things like from shops or houses.

2.  I have heard about Roald Dahl Before because i know a movie called BFG and a book called BFG and that Roald Dahl has made the movie and the book.

3. The book might be about a fox being a thief and stealing lots of things from lots of different places.   

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a great day.