
Thursday 9 December 2021

Persuasive writing

 Kia ora readers

Today I had to do a persuasive writing about why movies are way more enjoyable than boring books. We had five options so I picked why movies are way more better than books. We also had to write three or four paragraphs about it.

Here is my work

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Tuesday 7 December 2021

The house filled with snow

Kia ora readers 

Today we had to do creative story about a picture. First we had to look at the top right corner and write about that. Then we had to look around the picture and write about, and then we look at the bottom and write about and introduce a character and then write a problem.  

On a nice cold night two huge trees with lots of branches on the tree. There was lots of snow on the trees too. Behind the trees you could see the pitch black sky with stars everywhere on the sky. When you look around you could see behind the house a really big bright moon. There was a small house in the corner behind the two trees and there was a small Christmas tree beside the small house, and also there was a really big house in the front of the big moon. Here is the big mean wolf comes, this wolf was always coming for feast. The wolf always steal the feast from the owners in the two houses. 

The wolf is really big and has really big white teeth, He is a male and is also a grey wolf. You can't talk to him because if you do he will chase you down until you get really puffed and tired. He has a huge pack and he is the alpha his job is to get food for him and the rest of the pack so they survive When sometimes the alpha is sick one of the slaves have to go get food, but the alpha hardly gets sick anyways. 

Today the alpha went to go get food, but something bad happend. There was a tall man looking at me with a shotgun. The man shot the wolf but he missed and now the wolf is really angry. The wolf jumped on the man and bit his arm, the man shot again bit it hit his tail. The wolf made a run for it and went in the house, stole a big turkey that was on the table and ran out of the house. The man was screaming and crying at the same time. 

Finally the wolf reached home safely bit his tail was hurting. The wolf stayed home for a bit because of his tail and made his slaves to go get the feast. Two weeks later his tail got much better but the owners of that house moved, but don't worry when the alpha was home the slaves found a different house to get food from. The alpha was really happy and proud of his slaves. The end.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Healthy menu

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to do this slide and there was like days. Monday to sunday. We had to fill all of it out. I didn't really finish the saturday and sunday.

Here is my work

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day

Thursday 18 November 2021

Descriptive story

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to do a descriptive story about our classroom and also something bad happening in the classroom. We had to write 3 paragraphs but I wrote 4. 

Here is my work

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

What changes your body

 Kia ora readers 

Today we had to get in a group of four and kinda make like a poster about what changes your body. We put some photos and some links on the poster. 

Here is our poster

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day

Wednesday 17 November 2021


 Kia ora readers

Today we have this thing called Market Day or B+E (  Business and enterprise ). 

We have a group of four of people who is Oyn, Faye, Me and Lina. Oyn and Faye are year 9s and me and Lina are year 7s. Our teacher said that we could be in a mixed group of different year groups. Our Business Adviser is Miss Birtch. Right now we are making Christmas crackers with handmade beaded necklaces or bracelets inside the crackers. We are gonna use the toilet rolls and some wrappers to make it. We might use some pens too. Our company name is Christmas Mysteries. We did this name because we saw another group doing a name that has Christmas in it so we just did Christmas mysteries. Our market day is at December the first, in week 7. We are having a market day because we are raising money to go to our end of year trip. I'm enjoying this market day thing because this is new and it would be cool selling things. 

Here is my slide

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Monday 8 November 2021

100 Word Challenge

 Kia ora readers

Today we are doing another 100 word challenge after a long time. This time the photo we got was a outdoor swimming pool with a huge hydroslide. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Thursday 28 October 2021

Class pet

 Morena readers

Today our teacher gave us a activity. The activity was our teacher gave us 150$ to get a class pet and all of the supplies for it. We could be in a group or alone. I was with my friend Esha and we thought it would be cool to do a lizard as our class pet. We used google drawing and wrote all the supplies and how much it was.

Here is my work.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Vocabulary words

 Kia ora readers

Today we are learning about financial literacy. We had these words that were kinda related to financial literacy. We have to pick 5 vocabulary words and I choose wants, needs, decisions, savings and loan. We had to make a DLO for it and I used render forest. 

Here is my work

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a great day

Friday 24 September 2021

Reflection Work

Kia ora readers

So today we had to do a reflection blog post about what we have done this week. Like an example of how we have showed our CARR values in our classes. A update of what we have been doing in our arts kete. Also a honest reflection of how I self-managed there was a guest or a reliever. Also set a goal for the last week of school next week.  

So I have showed my CARR values maths or coding I have been showing respect and being resilient by listening to the instructions my teacher says and what she tells me to do in class.  

So now in arts kete I am making these flash Cards and there English to Maori so we did the English cards yellow and I think the Maori cards blue. We made it on a google drawing and then got it printed and we had to cut. After we wrote instructions on a google document we got that printed too. 

So this morning for maths we had a guest because our teacher was sick. I got a full CARR card from the guest. I was also showing my CARR values like I was showing commitment achievement respect and resilience. 

Now the last one what is a goal for next week. So next week I have to be more focused on my work and being able to get my work done on time. 

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day.  

Thursday 23 September 2021

Litmus paper

 Litmus is a tree lichen fungi and is made into small paper strips or a liquid for testing acids or alkaline.

1. Blue Litmus paper determines if something is acidic. It turns red in solutions with pH less than 7.

2. Red Litmus paper determines if something is alkaline. It turns blue in solutions with pH less than.


  1. Red Litmus paper

  2. Blue Litmus paper

  3. Sodium Hydroxide

  4. Hydrochloride acid

  5. Pipette

  6. 4 Test tubes


  1. Rip the litmus paper in half and put half in each test tube.

  2. Add 3 drops of hydrochloride acid to the blue litmus paper in test tube 1.

  3. Add 3 drops of hydrochloride acid to the red litmus paper in test tube 2.

  4. Add 3 drop of Sodium Hydroxide to the blue litmus paper in test tube 3.

  5. Add 3 drops of Sodium Hydroxide to the blue litmus paper in test tube 4.

Wednesday 15 September 2021


What is a acid?

An acid contains Hydrogen atoms that break off to react with a substance.
An acid (HA) is solution that breaks up into H+ and A-.

1. red cabbage

2. beaker

3. bunsen burner

4. pipette 

5. sodium hydroxide 

6.hydro acid 

7. test tubes

8. paper towel
9.test tube rack

10. water

Thursday 9 September 2021

Baking Soda

 My 10 points about baking soda. 

Number 10. Remove scruff marks on the wall.

Number 9. Unarm deodorant.

Number 8. Cleaning sink.

Number 7. Cleans floors.

Number 6. Cleaner.

Number 5. Kitty litter box cleaner.

Number 4. Open cleaner.

Number 3. Remove hair gunk.

Number 2. Clean compete.

Number 1. Laundry booster.


1 tsp of powdered drink crystals (eg Raro) 

1/4 tsp citric acid 

1/2 tsp icing sugar 

1/4 tsp -baking soda 

Put all the ingredients in a zip lock bag and stir. 


1. cup 

2. spoon 

3. mixture



Tuesday 31 August 2021

100 Word Challenge

 Morena readers

Today we had to do another 100 word challenge. This picture was a tiny little cute penguin with a little  Christmas hat on its head.

Here is my work

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a great day.

Thursday 26 August 2021

On This Day History

Kia Ora readers

Today we had to do this on this day history. We had to make like a DLO to put all our information about this. I decided to use render forest to put all my information.

Here is my video

Thanks for looking at my video please comment and have a awesome day

100 Word Challenge

 Kia ora readers

Today I had to do a 100 word challenge. There was a picture of these 2 cartoon characters that I have to write a story about in 100 words. I kinda made this story into a a scary horror story. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Tuesday 17 August 2021


 Bacteria is rod or a spiral shape and makes up 90% of our cells in us. 


1. They need to spit on the food to digest it.

2.  They need to eat the rotten food.

3. They do not have a digestive system.

Reproduction: Section 2

1. Bacteria do not need a male and female.

2. They need to split in order to survive. 

3. When they split they are identical to their mother. 

Section 3: Excretion

1. Bacteria develop toxins inside the bacteria.

2. Bacteria get rid of toxin through the cell wall.

3. They must excrete the toxin or they would all die. 

Section 4: Breathing

1. Bacteria breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

2. Bacteria can breathe even when there is no oxygen.

3. When bacteria make things rot they produce heat.


Kate Sheppard's Timeline

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to do a timeline about all those years of what Kate Sheppard had done for all of the women and also for lots of men. 

Here is my Timeline

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Wednesday 11 August 2021

The Woman suffrage

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to do these questions about woman's suffrage. There is 6 questions in total about this woman's suffrage.

1. What year did the Maori men get the vote: they got the right to vote in 1865.

2. Why did most people think woman should vote: Some people thought that if the woman could vote they would make lots of mistakes around the world.

3. What did the phrase " drinking their wages " means: It means like they are spending most of their money

4. How did the WTCU help the poor: They made stuff that could help some of them

5. What was the main form of the protest that the women used to change the law: That women can now vote

6. Why is Kate Sheppard on the 10 dollar note: Because she is a NZ hero

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Tuesday 10 August 2021

Science Yeast

Yeast is alive in a hibernation state and also ancient. It is a fungi.






cloth sieve


plastic (PET) bottle and cap


50ml warm water

1/2 tsp active dried yeast

1/2 tsp sugar

Ginger beer 

3/4 cup sugar 

1/2 tsp cream of tartar

1L cold water

juice of 1/2 lemon

1 tsp ginger beer bug


1. in a large, put the sugar and cream of tartar and then add the warm water

2. stir to dissolve the sugar before adding the cold water

3. add the ginger bug to the large bowl of cold water

4. stir well and then pour into your clean bottle

5. label your bottle with your group names all the bottles in the class container in a cool dark place for one week before drinking

8.make sure you open the bottle in the kitchen sink as it might overflow. open the cap a bit by bit to allow the air to escape.

The ginger beer must be drunk over 6 days 

you must provide your own bottle

We wanted to see how yeast was best activated. To do this we used 3 conical flasks a teaspoon of yeast in each one, some warm water in each one and some sugar in one flask. We then put a balloon on top of each flask. We found out that the flask that had the yeast and sugar inflated the balloon. It showed that when the yeast has sugar it activates and creates a gas called carbon dioxide gas. 

All about me

 Kia Ora readers,

Today we done this poster that is all about us. We had to put some information about our self. We have a question that we have to put on our blog. 

Why is it important to use google images with permission only? you could get in trouble for not using a image without a licenses.    

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Monday 9 August 2021

100 Word Challenge

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to do a 100 word challenge. This time there was a video and in the video there was a calm relaxing video. 

Today at home I was watching a 2 hour relaxing video of a boat sailing on the

blue water.It was really relaxing and kinda made me sleepy.

It was a huge white boat and the water was really blue, clean and clear.

Today during the day I was under a lot of stress after school so this video

made me calm and relaxed. On the boat it kinda looked like there were some

people on the boat.  It also seemed like it was a really warm day in this calming

video. i

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.


200 Word Challenge

 Kia ora readers

Today it was snowing in Christchurch. We had to write a 200 word challenge about the snow. Like what we did in the snow or just a imaginary story

Here is my work

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day

Friday 6 August 2021

On This Day History

 Kia ora readers

Today we are doing this on this day history. We had to make like a movie about it. There was different app we could use but i used render forest. 

Here is my work.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day

Wednesday 4 August 2021

The Mohawk

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to read this story about this boy named Leo who wanted a new haircut for intermediate. Now  we had to answer some questions on our blog. These questions are about boy named Leo and his new Mohawk haircut. There is 5 questions in total.

1. Why do you think Leo wanted a new hair cut:  He wanted a new hairstyle and to stand out at his new school

2. How did the kids react to him? why did the other react that way: They were shocked and wanted to find out why he had got a new hairstyle

3. How did Matua glen react to his hair: He had a face that Leo never had seen before.

4. What were some examples in Matua glen's website: There was a history about Mohawks and a drawing of the Pawnee warrior.  

5. beside the hairstyle. how could someone protest this through their experience: There outfits and actions.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Timeline Protests

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to look at some articles and some videos about climate change and other protests, then we had a printed timeline about us putting some the protests. These protests are mostly about climate change but some are not. These were all made in 2019. We also have to write the vocabulary words and write the meanings.  The vocabulary words are climate change, campaign demonstration and zero carbon.

 Climate Change: Climate change is like a big change around the globe which is like increasing the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide which is also produced by the fossil fuels.

Campaign Demonstration: A campaign demonstration is like an action by a mass group or just a normal group that protest about an issue or a concern/problem.

Zero Carbon: Zero Carbon means like not carbon dioxide in our body for air or in the atmosphere.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Chilli tasting

 Section 1. 

 There is a small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum, used in sauces, relishes, and spice powders. There are various forms with pods of differing size, colour, and strength of flavour.

Section 2

section 3

1. Ghost Pepper ( from India )

2.Caroline Reaper ( from South Carolina )

3. Pot chilli ( from Mexico )

4. Red Savina ( from California )

5. Naga Viper ( from England )

6. Infinity Chilli ( from England)

section 4

this is a scale of the chilli and how many levels it would go up to. Like green is the lowest and red is the hottest on the scale and yellow is kinda medium.

Touchpad Practice

Kia ora readers

Today we had to do some touchpad practice like dragging some images to a box. There was also a game by making some puzzles by dragging the pieces and put it on the right like line.

thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Monday 2 August 2021

100 Word Challenge

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to do a 100 word challenge about this hockey game. We had to like write our own story about this hockey game in 100 words on a document or even a blog. 

Here is my work.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Thursday 29 July 2021


 Aim: To taste foods that are sweet, bitter, sour and salty.


1. Samples 1-9

2. Blindfold glasses

3. Recording chart

4. ice cream stick taster. 


1 get safety glasses and make a blindfold

2 set up your chart and make sure that the person you are working with knows where to record your responses.

3 use a ice cream stick to taste it

4.there will be 4 answers

5. at taste test one you need to hold your nose 

Answer 1 is it sweet, sour, salty, bitter, record it

Answer 2 what do you think it is record it

6. repeat this for the next samples but you will only need to use your ice cream stick. 

100 Word Challenge

 Kia Ora readers,

Today we had to do a 100 word challenge. This time there was a frog making a heart with its little cute hands. We had to like write a story about the picture but we have to write in 100 words. 

Here is my a work. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Monday 12 July 2021

How to make Butter Chicken

 Kia Ora readers

Today we had to do this winter learning journey and this activity was about to like make like a food recipe from your culture and make a poster first on a google drawing or on any other app to make a poster. 

Here is my poster

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have awesome day. 

Saturday 10 July 2021

Stuff About Japan

Kia Ora readers

Today we had a winter learning journey to do. There was activity to number 20 so I pick number ten. In this activity we had to make like a video about Their food, some facts about Japan and also some really famous landmarks in japan. 

here is my video. Sorry there is no sound I couldn't put a sound.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have awesome day


Thursday 8 July 2021


 Kia ora readers 

Today we had to do a blog post about music and we have to write what have we enjoyed, what are 3 things we have learnt and last one favourite music, genre and song/band and why. We had to do these stuff because its nearly the end of the term so we are doing a finishing off session today. 

So I have enjoyed learning about different genres. I think it was interesting looking and also listening at different genres. I have even noticed that I liked the genre pop because I just thought it was my thing. I have even liked different genres too by listening to some in music class. 

So now it is what are 3 things I have learnt in music class. So I have learnt lots of different genres and also tons of different music. I have even learned lots of different stuff from different decades like, there is different music in each decade and also there fashion and famous musicians.

So now I have to explain my favourite music, genre and a band. So my favourite music is probably slowed and reverb music sometimes they just make me feel calm or focus on work. So also my favourite genre is pop because I just like to listen to it. I don't really like a band but I do like BTS and black pink so I guess I like 2 bands. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Tuesday 6 July 2021

why we should bring our pets to school

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to write like a want like something that we are passionate about and we also get to choose our own topic. So I chose to do why we should bring our pets to school because I thought it was a good idea. 

So I think we should bring our pets to school because it would be a fun day to have them with you. You would also won't be alone but only if your sometimes lonely at school. You could really do anything when you have a pet at school with you but it always depends what pet you have. At class time what if your maybe studying about animals,

 You could study about your pet. They could even keep us focused while we are doing our work in class time. when we are bored at school or lonely or even if you are with your friends you bring your pet with you. But if you have like a small pet you would have to be careful so you don't lose your pet. So this is my opinion about why we should bring our pets to school with us.Cat Clothes, Japanese High School Uniform Inspired Cat Attire, Cat Costume| Cat Clothing| - AliExpress

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day. 

Why CARR stamps encourage students to make positive choices

 Kia ora readers

Today we have to write a huge paragraph about why CARR stamps encourage other students to make lots of positive choices at school or even somewhere in public. 

I think that CARR stamps do encourage other people or students to make positive choices because, when you get a stamp on your CARR card you would know that you have been showing one of the values and also has been doing a good job on your work. It would also like sometimes make the person happy for getting a stamp on their CARR card. It's good to get stamps on your card because maybe the person would be proud of it and maybe they just like getting vouchers to the Mall or the cafe. So I agree with why CARR stamps encourage students to make positive choices. In class I like getting the stamps because sometimes I do like getting the voucher or I just show my CARR values. So this is my opinion about why CARR stamps encourage students to make positive choices. 

thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a great day. 

Friday 2 July 2021

Why year 7-8s should have phones at school

 Kia ora readers

Today we have to write 2 paragraphs about why year 7-8s should have there phones at school. Right now I wish we could have our phones at school but we are not allowed. 

So I think it would be good to have our phones at school because Sometimes we could like listen to music in school like in class time but only if your teacher lets you listen to music. You could listen to music at interval or lunch time. You can even sometimes just go on your phone. At school if you are alone any where like in the library or somewhere in the school you could just go on your phone and go on social media. 

( not finished yet)

Decades slide

Kia Ora readers

Today we had to finish our decades slide. Our decades slide first year it starts from the 2000s and then it ends from the 1910s. We had to write the most famous musicians in slide, the most popular or new genre that was in that decade, and then a song from that decade, some songs that were re-released in that decade and last one a iconic image from that decade. 

Here is my slide

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Why Pets Are Important

 Kia ora readers

Today we have to like write 2 paragraphs about why pets are important. We also have to write at least 6 or 8 sentences. 

So I think that pets are important because you would have a fun and happy life with some pets in your house. Sometimes you can have some company when you have a pet in your house and also you won't be really alone all the time. It depends what animals you have in your house as a pet. Also when your always free but alone you would still have your pet beside you. 

They release our stress, anxiety, depression and even way many more, they release it about lots of things that happens in life. When you have a pet you could learn alot of stuff about them. But then it always depend what animal or pet you have with you. You could even snuggle and cuddle with them while you both are sleeping in the bed. So this is why I think that pets are really important. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Friday 25 June 2021

Why it is important that year 7-8 do Friday sport

Kia ora readers

Today we had to write why it is important that year 7-8 do sport every Friday. We have to agree and write a whole paragraph about why it is important that we do sport.

I think it is really important for every year 7-8 to do sport every Friday because it is good for us to play sports and it makes us really fit. It also gives us lots of energy. It is good because people would want to play or try different sports. Sometimes it is fun to play sports and some people like to play sports but certain ones. It is also important because sometimes people would want to get into the real games and playing in front of lots of people. We can also achieve lots by playing sports in front of tons of people. I agree that it is really important for us year 7-8 to do sport every Friday. So now this is my opinion about why it is important to play sports. 

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day.Cats Playing Sport HD Stock Images | ShutterstockTop 10 Fit & Active Cats Who Love Sports

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to write like a paragraph of why cats are better than dogs. So we had to do like a persuade writing.

I think that cats are better than dogs because I feel like cats are more fun and more clean but I do like both of them. But Cats are like more fun, same is dogs but its just that cats are like more respectful and there just like more cute. I agree that cats are better than dogs. At home I have a cat named Elly and she is really respectful but sometimes naughty. Sometimes dogs can need alot of space and they bark alot at night but cats don't. Dogs could sometimes be a little mean and scary but its also the same with cats. Any animal could be scary or cute. So now you know that this is my opinion about cats are more better than dogs for me. 

 9 Crazy Cats That Will Make You Laugh
   thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Friday 18 June 2021


 Kia Ora readers

Today we have to do a blog post about music. Like what we enjoyed in music and what have we learnt in music and also how is the 1940s music different. 

So I think that the 1940s music is really different from the other decades. Its like its really old and different, most of them don't have words and just instruments in the music. Because in the other music there is like words but its really different from the other decades music that we did like last week or something like week 4 or 6.

So now I have to write something that I enjoyed in music class. I enjoyed listening to new songs and I sometimes enjoyed doing the work that we had to do. I liked playing and looking at different instruments. I also liked playing the ukulele and then we had to learn new and different songs. Then we had to record it too. 

Now the last one what have i learnt about brass instruments. I have learnt how to play most of them and how big are they. I have also learnt some parts of some brass instruments like a tenor horn or a tuba or even a trumpet. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Thursday 17 June 2021

Needs Vs Wants

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to make a poster or a slideshow about needs vs wants. I choose to make a slide show but I made the slide show with a app called render forest. We had to write like what people need to survive or whats really important. Then we had to write what people want. 

Here is my slide show. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Wednesday 16 June 2021


 Morena readers 

Today we had to do this kind of this that wrote about school values. We had to highlight the ones that we do most of the time. Now we have to write and say like how we know and how you show these times. We had to reflect the time that we showed one of the values.

The first one is Commitment and this one is about learning ready. I mostly always be ready for learning because my Chromebook is always charged or if my Chromebook isn't charged I go down to see Barry or I could even just bring my charger and charge it while I'm doing my work so my work is all done. 

The second one is now Achievement. This one is about like the best you can do. I always do my personal best because for sometimes hard work like in Maths or other work in other classes I would have to give it a try and do my personal best in the work.

Now this one is Resilience. I always ask questions to the teachers if I'm not sure about the activity because sometimes its good to ask questions.

Now the last one is Respect. I always move quickly and quietly when the teachers lets us move to our own spaces at work time.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Tuesday 15 June 2021


 Kia ora readers 

Today we had to do a question in maths and then we had to solve it. We could do it on our book or on our Chromebook in a document. 

Here is my work.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a great day. 

The Airtight Tin Lid

 Kia ora readers 

Today we had to do another kiwi innovator. This time I did a air tight lid. It was about a person invented a lid by a guy named John Eustace.

Here is my work. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

100 Word Challenge

 Morena readers.

Today we had to do another 100 word challenge. This time there was a picture of a big microphone and there was tons of people in the background. We had to write a story about the microphone in 100 words,

Here is my work.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Friday 11 June 2021


 Kia ora readers

Today we had to do another kiwi innovators. This week I did a pavlova one. We had to read a story and then answer some questions about the story and then we had to make our own pavlova. 

Here is my work.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Thursday 10 June 2021

STEAM Challenge

 Morena readers

Today wed had to do a STEAM Challenge. This challenge was to fit a piece of paper through our whole body. We had to be in a group of 3 and make a piece of paper fit it through our whole body. So we were really confused at the start but then we saw another group make it so it gave us a idea. One of our group member said to cut lines and then twist at each end. So we cut tons of lines and twist the paper all together, then it made a huge whole for us to fit in. Then we tested it if all of us could fit through it and we all did. 

Here is a photo of it. 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Designed For Good

 Kia ora readers 

Today we had to read a book that's called Designed for good. Then we have 5 questions in total to answer about the story.

1. What was the Problem that Craig had: That the ancestors did not come  alone they brought heaps of rats. 

2. Give 2 reasons why Craig and his classmates wanted to make a new pest trap: They wanted to make it for different animals like a trap for them

3. What were the requirements for the new trap design: They wanted their traps to be lightweight, Durable, Affordable and reliable and it had to be humane. 

4. Explain in your own words what prototype means: its a early version of a product that has to get tested and improved. 

5. What is the message or theme of this story: The theme is like just about traps and what they are making

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a great day.

Environment Impact

 Kia ora readers

Today we had to do some overdue work and we had to make a infograpic poster About Environment Impact and how is it like effecting the planet. I made this poster on piktochart and write some things about environment Impact. 

Here is my poster

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

Friday 4 June 2021

My story

 Kia ora readers.

Today we had to make a story of us as a musician. I did story about me playing a ukulele and becoming a famous musician on the internet. 

I am 11 years old and this is my story as a musician.

I started playing the ukulele when I was 6 years old.

I learnt a lot of songs in a week and the first song I learnt was playdate.

I like the song Playdate because it is a really easy song to learn and it only took me 2 days to learn. The next day I posted a video of me playing the song playdate and overnight it hit a million views.

I started to get fans and met them when I went to the mall or went on vacations. Then I got a phone call and they said that lots of musicians and other singers wanted to meet me and have an interview.

After the interview tons of people came running towards me. They all wanted pictures and autographs. Then I became a celebrity and I had to fly to America to perform. I had to do a concert and do autographs and pictures again.

I flew back to my country and then everything was back to normal like usual.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day


Kia ora readers 

Today we had to do another kiwi innovators. This time it was about a yogurt how someone invented there own yogurt and sent it to a company. We had to make a google drawing of our own yogurt and write the brand and do designs and lots of different colours. 

Here is my work.

I hoped you liked my work please comment and have a great day.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Bungy Jumping

 Kia ora readers 

Today we had to do a Kiwi Innovators. This time it was about bungy jumping. It was about this guy called Alan John who sneaked to Paris and went on top of the Eiffel tower and tried his first bungy jumping. After he got arrested by doing that but then it became famous and the whole wide world found out about it. There is some articles about Alan John and his bungy jumping.

Here is my Kiwi Innovators 

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a great day.

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Weather Safety

 Morena readers

Today we had to create a infographic poster some weather safety tips or some tricks. We could use Canva, Piktochart and Biteable. We had to write 4 tips or tricks about any article. There was 5 articles we could read and write some stuff about it.

Here is my poster

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day.

Friday 28 May 2021


 Kia ora readers

So today we have to write some things about what we have done in this hurumanu, which is Te Ao Whanui. We have to introduce what we were learning and what we were working on this week in Te Ao Whanui. 

So we have to reflect a time you know when you read the instructions carefully and how you know. One of the one was the spring free trampoline and I read the instructions carefully and did the whole thing. I kinda did a little mistake but then I fixed it. I knew the instructions because there is a slide that says everything.

Now we have to reflect a time when you completed a work to your personal best this week. This one was doing these reading questions and I did my personal best and did it really fast.

The last one is now reflect a time when you were a self manager. This time my teacher wasn't in class and I had to do a poster and I was self managing by not doing anything bad and just focused on my work.

Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day. 

100 Word Challenge

 Morena readers 

Today we had to write another 100 word challenge. This 100 word challenge was about this girl going in this haunted scary house. We had to kinda make like a whole scary story about it. 

Here is my story

thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a awesome day.

New Zealand music month

Morena readers

Today we had to make a poster of a New Zealander singer and a New Zealand band. The singer I did was Kimbra lee and the band I did was Te vake. Then we what our favourite new Zealand music is and we have to explain why we like this song and what to you feel about this song.

Here is my two posters

So my favourite singer is Six60 and his songs make me feel energetic or just sometimes normal or calm and even bored.
Thanks for looking at my blog please comment and have a awesome day

Tuesday 25 May 2021

A New Life For Old Machines

 Morena readers

Today we have a new story called A New Life For Old Machines. We had to do these questions and answer them and write it onto our blog. There is 5 questions in total and there is like on 2 more things to do but you can only pick one of those questions.

1. What does the Fisher and Paykel do to help the environment, how do they do this: They were recycling, saves resources and smart drive washing machine.

2. What does coal, oil and natural gas do to the environment: Natural gas emits 50 to carbon dioxide natural gas power plant compared with emissions from a typical new coal plant.

3. What does non-renewable mean: It means like a agreement. 

4. The energy of moving things is called: It's called telekinesis.

5. Explain in your own words how a wind turbine works: A wind turbine works like wind turbine is to make electricity.

Thanks for looking at my work please comment and have a great day.